Happy Birthday Elegant Happy Birthday Old Fashioned

Celebrate the life you take! Birthdays are the one time of year we go to celebrate those closest to us and we should take the opportunity to let them know merely how much they are appreciated.

We all know that a unique birthday greeting card is a great style to make the Birthday Person'due south twenty-four hours memorable. Simply allow'southward exist honest. Fifty-fifty though information technology seems uncomplicated, writing a perfect altogether bill of fare sometimes isn't the easiest matter to practice.

How to write a birthday card

Although some people have no trouble picking up a pen and writing a personal bulletin, others may take difficulty doing so.

Finding the inspiration to write more than than just "Happy Altogether" can be really hard, only using a less generic message makes whatsoever greeting card that much more special.

To write the ultimate altogether card, nosotros've come up with a listing of birthday wishes that will make your menu more meaningful and memorable for the wonderful person yous're sending information technology to. But, the best style to create the warmest wishes is to mix things upward, adding a personal bear on. Endeavor bringing upward a fond retention or an within joke just between the two of you. After all, it's the perfect fourth dimension to remind someone special how much you value your relationship with them!

General Birthday Card Messages

What to write in a birthday card for a friend or co-worker? Here are a few ideas when "Happy Birthday" just doesn't cut it.

  • Hope your [30th] birthday is one to retrieve!
  • Warmest wishes and dearest on your altogether!
  • Wishing you lot a happy altogether and a blessed yr ahead.
  • I'm so grateful that you lot were born. Happy birthday!
  • Wherever the year ahead takes you, I hope it's happy.
  • Thinking of you on your birthday and wishing you everything happy.
  • Hope all your birthday wishes come true!
  • Wishing you lot all the happiness you lot deserve.
  • I hope your birthday is as special as you lot are!
  • Here is to you getting older and wiser!
  • Happy birthday to ane of my favorite people in the history of always.
  • Savour this special mean solar day in commemoration of a nigh wonderful y'all.
  • Happy altogether to one of the few people whose altogether I can remember without a Facebook reminder.

Happy Birthday Milestone wishes with flowers background.

Milestone Birthday Wishes

Every birthday is special, but some deserve a little actress celebration. Injecting a niggling humor into a milestone altogether card is often the way to go.

  • A altogether is merely the commencement day of another 365-day journal. Enjoy your next trip around the sun!
  • Congratulations on making information technology through your first quarter century! Happy 25th!
  • Did you lot know twoscore is the new xxx?
  • "Wrinkles should just indicate where smiles take been." - Mark Twain
  • Wishing you a very happy birthday! You make turning [30] seem and then easy!
  • Happy [50th] birthday and welcome to the club.
  • Mid-life crisis effectually the corner… Happy birthday!
  • "Youth has no age" - Pablo Picasso

Funny Birthday Greetings

Whether the person has a keen sense of humor or just doesn't actually look forrad to their birthday every yr, information technology'south hard to become wrong with a funny birthday carte du jour message. Everyone appreciates a good laugh!

  • You're not getting older. Yous're merely getting a picayune closer to the terminate. Happy altogether!
  • It'southward your birthday. TREAT YO Self!
  • Congrats! Y'all're another yr closer to that senior discount!
  • This twenty-four hour period used to be ordinary, until y'all made information technology awesome!
  • Smart, attractive, and funny. Simply plenty about me. Happy birthday!
  • Forget almost the past because you can't alter it. Forget well-nigh the future because y'all tin't predict information technology. Forget nigh the present because I didn't get you lot one. Happy Birthday!
  • Don't think of some other altogether as getting older, think of information technology as becoming vintage.
  • Growing onetime is mandatory, growing up is optional.
  • It's scientifically proven that people who take more birthdays live longer.
  • Happy center of attending day!
  • You're now onetime enough to know better than to expect any present from me.
  • You might be getting older, just your humor will always be timeless.
  • They say with age comes wisdom. And you're the wisest person I know.

Happy Birthday Mom Message with a colorful rainbow illustration

Birthday Wishes for Mom

Moms are the universal givers. Give her the souvenir of reminding her how much she is loved on her special 24-hour interval. It's the perfect way to wish her a lovely birthday!

  • Mom, thank you for all the sacrifices you've made for our family. I'm proud to call you my mom. Happy altogether.
  • I might not say it plenty, but know that I honey you and feel so lucky to telephone call you my mom.
  • Wishing a beautiful twenty-four hours for my beautiful mom.
  • I don't know where I'd be without you and your love. Happy birthday, Mom.
  • Cheers for always being there for me. Happy Birthday Mom, I love you.
  • Every mom is special, merely trust me, no other mom can compare to you lot. Happy altogether!

Birthday Wishes for Dad

Chances are your dad means everything to you and your family. Let him know just how much he means to you and how appreciated he is with one of there Heartfelt Letters. Information technology volition be sure to put a smile on his face up!

  • You're more than just my dad. You lot're the greatest human I know.
  • Dad, you are my hero and my part model. Happy birthday!
  • Thank you for being the greatest pillar of force in my life. Happy birthday, Dad.
  • Happy birthday to the man with all the answers. Have a wonderful birthday, Dad!
  • Happy birthday to the hardest working man I know. I'm so proud to phone call you my Dad.
  • I'm so glad to be able to spend your special day with y'all. Happy birthday Dad!

Birthday Wishes for Son

Every son deserves to know how proud his parents are of him. His special solar day is the perfect fourth dimension to let him know how impressed y'all are with the (young) man he's get!

  • We're so proud of the young man you lot've become. Happy altogether!
  • E'er head in the direction of happiness and all your dreams and ambitions will come truthful. Happy birthday boy!
  • Another year closer to taking care of united states of america when we're older… Happy altogether!
  • Happy birthday! No matter how many birthdays you have, you lot will always exist our babe boy.
  • You put a smile on my face every day. I hope your birthday is filled with joy, smiles, and laughs.

Woman holding a cake, standing in front of a wall with 'Happy Birthday' colorful balloons on it.

Birthday Wishes for Girl

Nix is more precious than a girl. Now let your princess know she's notwithstanding the centre of your world with a beautiful birthday message.

  • We are then happy to spotter yous grow wiser and more cute every year. We dear you!
  • We are then grateful to watch our footling girl grow into an amazing young adult female. Happy Birthday Princess!
  • A girl brings sunshine to the solar day, joy to the soul, and love to the middle. Happy altogether!
  • Happy birthday to our ray of sunshine. We honey you forever, happy birthday daughter!
  • Having you as our daughter has been life's greatest gift. Nosotros wish y'all the most wonderful birthday and hope all your wishes come up true!
  • We love you and then much and hope y'all reach everything y'all want to in life. Happy birthday!

Birthday Wishes for Hubby

He shows you how much he loves you and your family everyday through the sacrifices he makes. Remind him of why he's the dearest of your life and how grateful you lot are to spend your life with a Special Person like him.

  • You're my strength, my anchor, my everything. I beloved you lot forever. Happy Altogether Honey!
  • Happy birthday to my love and my all-time friend. I feel so lucky and grateful to be sharing life with you.
  • I fall more and more than in dearest with y'all every twenty-four hours. Happy Altogether!
  • Happy birthday to the human being I love well-nigh, who brings me sunshine on rainy days.
  • Here's to some other year of making memories together. Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday to the kindest, most caring man I know. I'm and then glad to have you by my side.

Birthday Wishes for Wife

She'due south your everything: Your meliorate half, your partner-in-crime, and your best friend. Tell the woman who has your heart what having her in your life ways to you.

  • You make me a ameliorate homo and husband every day. Thank you for being the all-time function of me. Happy birthday!
  • My dear, may your birthday be every bit happy as you accept fabricated me.
  • The best parts of my twenty-four hour period are those spent with you lot. I love you and wish y'all a happy altogether!
  • To my angel, I hope this year will be filled with happiness and laughter. Wishing my beautiful married woman the happiest birthday!
  • I thank God every twenty-four hours for blessing me with such a loving wife. You deserve to be happy today and every twenty-four hour period.
  • Happy birthday to my beautiful wife and my best friend. I'm the luckiest human in the world to have y'all by my side and I never take it for granted.

Happy Birthday Sister Quote with flower background.

Altogether Wishes for Sis

She's probably one of the most important and supportive people in your life and she'southward been through it all with you. Write her a touching card to permit her know how loved she is.

  • You're the reason my childhood was and so wonderful. Happy altogether sister!
  • Happy altogether to a sister who constantly makes me smiles and brings me endless joy!
  • Even if you weren't my sister, I'd desire yous every bit my friend. Happy Birthday sis!
  • Happy birthday to mom's 2nd favorite!
  • I wish you all the very best and may you exist blessed on your special day! Happy Birthday!
  • I always wondered how people arrive through life without a sis. Happy birthday sister!

Altogether Wishes for Brother

He'south undoubtedly your favorite dude and he'due south the guy who always has your back. Gloat everything about him with a sweet picayune birthday bulletin.

  • I am forever grateful to have a brother like you. Happy birthday to the best brother anyone could inquire for!
  • Cheers for being built-in and saving my childhood. Happy birthday bro!
  • Happy birthday! The almost incredible blood brother deserves all the happiness in the world today.
  • Thank you lot for being the i person I can be weird with. Happy altogether, brother. I dearest you!
  • I'g one of the few people to have their brother as a all-time friend. I promise you accept a wonderful altogether.
  • The best memories of my life are with yous. I hope you have the best birthday ever.

How to End a Birthday Menu

Thinking near how to finish the perfect card with a warm closing? We've got you lot covered.

  • Hugs,
  • Yours lovingly,
  • Thank you!
  • Hugs & Kisses,
  • Cheerfully,
  • Your favorite child,
  • Lots of love,
  • Celebrating You!
  • Much honey to you,
  • Lovingly,

Send your birthday wishes on an eco-friendly card

At present that you've got inspired and know how to wish someone a happy birthday, why non practise that on a sustainable greeting card? Our ever-growing selection of birthday cards features cards made from 100% recycled paper and printed with eco-friendly inks - the perfect little gift for someone who enjoys doing good for the environment.

Bank check out our latest cards:

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